Monday, April 14, 2014

London to The Hague via Dunkirk and Dover, cycling - Day 6, sightseeing in Ghent

Some photos from Ghent. It was old, medieval, and a little bit dirty. It was also quiet damp, and I got fairly wet. Riding back I just stayed under a road bridge like a tramp for a long time. Nothing else really comes to mind, except perhaps observations of a north/south European divide  - a French couple came into a trappist beer cafe, spread themselves around on the seats and settling in for the day, ordered the beer, and the beer came out without any accompaniment (as one would expect), they made a great fuss between themselves, and called the bartender over and asked if there was any bread – he looked at them blankly and gave a stern “No.” They looked shocked.

The one above is called Turkish Street because back in the olden days, the Middle East was called Turkey, and there was some kind of connection between the Middle East and this street.